the red roads
sometimes it is all about how you get there.

Sometimes I wish I could go back. The old folks have always told me I’d get here, wishing for what I couldn’t have anymore, wishing for the simpler days, wishing for old friendships. I like who I am today, but ohgod.

Will's friend, Will, Benny, Skennedy, and Ben

The level of devoted we were to each other, naively, serenely, blindly devoted. We didn’t know it, though.  Thought ourselves better than that, believed that we thought our actions through before we took them, knew that together, there was nothing in our way, and nothing to fear. Ohno, we had no idea what it was like to think something through so long that it no longer was even an option, let alone relevant.

I’m glad my livejournal hasn’t disappeared or been lost, but sometimes I wonder if it doesn’t do more damage to my mental health, than good.

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